Friday, July 4, 2008

igoogle job search tool

Vok.. So, my first open source offering is live and begging for you to use. bixee is a product of my employer's family, and the job search tool developed gives you a convenient way to search for jobs across a multitude of job sites. Please use it and tell me how bad it is. Email your correspondence address too along with your comments, so that I can send the bogeyman to drop a ton of bricks on your head. On the other hand, kind words and kudos are also solicited, and will be greatly appreciated too.

Make my tool a permanent fixture on your google homepage; lest you want the bogeyman dropping by. It's fairly simple actually. You just have to click the link below, and you can then add the tool.

What?!!? You don't use ig ? awww... c'mon...
sign in .. It's definitely got to be one of the best things around.

Add to Google

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